1159 - School Counselor

Job Description:


As a member of the guidance department staff, counselors are to provide a comprehensive guidance program for students in grades 7-12. The counselor will provide activities to meet the needs of their assigned caseload, consult with administration, teachers, staff, and parents to enhance their effectiveness in helping students.


1. Implement 7-12 guidance curriculum.

2. Guides and works with parents and students through the development of College Career Ready Plans

3. Counsels with individual students and groups.

4. Consult with teachers, staff, and parents regarding the needs of students.

5. Refer students with severe problems to appropriate community resources in consultation with their parents.

6. Participate in, coordinate, or conduct activities, which contribute to the effective operation of the school.

7. Evaluate and revise the guidance program.

8. Pursue professional growth.


1. Implement school guidance curriculum:

2. Conduct guidance learning activities in the classroom as planned in conjunction with school administration and teachers; consult with and be a resource person for teachers to

facilitate guidance activities in the regular education curricula. 7-12 grade Guidance activities should meet comprehensive guidance standards and competencies.

3. SEOP/CCRP: Guide and counsel students through the development of educational, college and career plans: Provide orientation activities for students new to the school; participate in orientation programs for incoming 7th graders. "Work closely with 9th graders and parents on four year High School Plans. Help 7-12 graders and their parents develop an annual SEOP/CCRP and take appropriate steps toward their post-high-school educational and career plans; assist in preregistration of students; guide groups of students and their parents in the use of test results and information for educational and career planning; guide all students to develop tentative career/vocational plans through the use of resources in the guidance center.

Responsive Services: Counsel individual students and groups: Conduct structured, goal-oriented counseling sessions to meet the identified needs of individuals or groups of students. Session topics include self-awareness, self-identity, academic problems, behavior problems, peer problems, family issues, child abuse, substance abuse, suicide, and other sensitive issues.

4. System Support: Consult with teachers, staff and parents regarding the needs of students: Participate in staffing; conduct in-service programs for the faculty; conduct and facilitate conferences with teachers, students, and parents; assist families with school related problems.

5. Other Duties: Refer students with severe problems to appropriate community agencies in consultation with their parents. Consult and coordinate with in-district and community

agencies, such as school psychologist, nurses, and administrators and community-based psychologists, service agencies and physicians.

6. Coordinate conducts or participates in activities, which contribute to the effective operation of the school. Interpret group test results to faculty and staff; establish effective

liaisons with the various instructional departments; act as an advocate for students, as appropriate, in conjunction with other staff; assist other school staff; the placement of students with special needs in appropriate programs; participate with the administration and faculty, as a team member in the implementation of the district testing program.

7. Evaluate and revise the comprehensive guidance program: Review periodically with the staff and administration the guidance program using the program evaluation self study; review and modify the guidance program calendar; evaluate guidance learning activities.

8. Pursue professional growth: Attend the state and local staff development programs; join professional counseling and guidance associations; read professional journals; attend

relevant workshops and conferences sponsored by professional organization; take postgraduate courses.

9. Implement an effective elementary guidance program.

10. Assist in the coordination of an effective Drug & Alcohol, Bullying and Suicide Prevention Programs.

11. Work with school district on School Crisis Plan.

12. Provide a remediation plans for 7-12 grade students who fall behind in credits for graduation.

13. Develop a yearly guidance calendar displaying guidance curriculum, responsive services, system support and individual planning actives provided to each grade level.

Provide calendar to stake holders and parents and post to website.

14. Collects and interprets test data for use in student placement and instructional programs.

15. Collects and reports student data for external tests including PSAT, SAT, PLAN, and ACT as well as other assessments like the Holland Code. Works with district PLC team on data collection.

16. Schedules students in appropriate courses; checks student transcripts for correct course placement and accuracy to insure that state and district requirements are fulfilled for graduation.

17. Assists students with the application process for college admissions, scholarships, financial aid, and alternative post-secondary education, including letters of recommendation and college/career placement.

18. Maintains confidentialities

19. Helps facilitate placement for students in concurrent enrollment classes and oversees the concurrent enrollment programs.

20. Works with stakeholder ensuring student records are updated including new student enrollment protocols.

21. Tracks all student credits for graduation.

22. Help the building principal in development of the master schedule.

23. Develops and helps augment Career Pathways in the schools.

24. Work and coordinate High School Trust Lands Plan and work on and or with School Community Council.

25. Oversee the High School Sterling Scholar Program.

26. Be apart of the district Administrative Council Team.

27. Be proactive with students in ensuring their success with life skills as well as academic success.

28. Other duties as assigned by the school principal.

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Piute County School District
500 North Main - P.O. Box 69
Junction, Utah 84740-0069
Phone: (435)-577-2912 - Fax: (435)-577-2561
© 2020 Piute County School District
Piute School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs. Please contact your school principal for further information.